When you enter the Dragon Queen's Lair, she gazes at you with huge lidless amber eyes.  In their faceted depths, there is such a terrible look of ancient pain and endless suffering that you shudder involuntarily.  How can any creature live in such misery?  And then you hear her deep rumbling voice begin to sing a sad song ...
Heavy are the burdens of the immortal heart
Doomed to bear witness to the world's grief
Eternal sentinel from the very start
After thousands of years, my eyes see no relief
Oaths made that can never be broken
I bound myself to watch and to wait
Listening for words that are never spoken
To a terrible monster deserving her fate
I have known more sorrow than I can measure
An etenity of seeing men murder and hearing them lie.
Observed in silence as time robbed the pleasure
Of a lover's first kiss and a baby's first cry
My heart is heavy with sorrow, enough to weep for a thousand years.
But this is my oath and curse, a dragon sheds no tears.
 From "A Dragon Sheds No Tears" by DreamerSea
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